Ladies, discover that understanding and removing the limitations you have stored in your subconscious mind, is the fastest way to overcome crisis, align your mind for success so that you can accomplish your goals, and create and live the life of your dreams.

Awaken to, and harness, your feminine power and limitless potential to accomplish things you once thought were impossible.


Enrol in Whole Self Alchemy Today

I know you've been struggling for a while now, I see you doing the best you can, but things don't seem to get any easier and you've finally had enough...

If you answered 'Yes' to any or all of these questions, you’re not broken, don’t worry.

I’m here to tell you that you’re capable to change anything that is causing you discomfort and distress.

You’re carrying around the heavy weight of unresolved trauma, limiting and negative beliefs and disempowering habits you've been collecting throughout your life.

I call these 'limitations' and they control your thoughts and actions, and keep you stuck in the same patterns, and they stop you making any progress in life.

I know this because I've spent 10 years studying the impact of limitations on human behaviour and human potential, and I’ve successfully removed my personal limitations and the limitations of many clients.

You’re not to blame for how you currently feel, let's get that crystal clear. The real culprit is your subconscious mind where all your limitations are stored. (Remember the filing cabinet metaphor from the workshop, your subconscious thoughts determine 95% of your thinking, and therefore 95% of your current reality.)

If you want to change how you respond to, and overcome crises and triggers, make permanent changes to your physical or emotional well-being, and accomplish your goals (big and small), you must understand the limitations stored in your subconscious mind.

Once you intimately understand, you can systematically remove your limitations by aligning your mindset to success, harness your limitless potential, accomplish your goals and create and live a life of your dreams.

You get to redefine and redesign your life into anything you desire, you can update the '95%' into a reality you love living.

While it’s not your fault you have limitations negatively impacting your life, it is your responsibility to remove what is holding you back.

I know the thought of changing a lifetime of limitations is overwhelming, with this new knowledge you may feel empowered to make changes, but you have no idea where to start.

This is why powerful guidance from an expert mindset alignment and accountability coach is essential.

With the right teachings and tools, you can be guided through systematically, and permanently, removing your limitations, holistic healing and whole self transformation.

This expert guidance instantly removes the overwhelm and provides you with a step-by-step roadmap to inevitable success.

The Whole Self Triad, my unique, proven methodology that guides you to a deep understanding of everything you have stored in your subconscious mind, how to systematically remove your limitations with subconscious reprogramming, somatic practices and daily joy and pleasure so you can overcome crisis, change habitual behaviour patterns, accomplish your goals and create and live your dream life.

The Whole Self Triad allows you complete freedom, once and for all.

It is a beautiful, empowering journey transforming into the best version of yourself.

What have your limitations ‘cost’ you so far? I don't mean the financial loss, I am talking about the missed opportunities, the harsh self judgement, the broken relationships, the impact on your physical health?

Life passes by so quickly, you are meant for more than just surviving, you are meant to thrive.

I know you've experienced the sense of accomplishment and pride in your life before. I know you have felt the indescribable feelings of joy, excitement, contentment, relief, inner strength, self worth and self confidence before.

The universal feelings of accomplishing something really difficult you didn't think was possible, and people doubted you...

Can you recall how this feels? I instantly get tingles throughout my whole body and can’t help but smile when I remember those moments throughout my life!

The 'Whole Self Triad' gives you the profound gift of these emotions and feelings everyday, as you remove your limitations and accomplish any goal you set for yourself. 

It also enables you regulate your emotional response to challenges and triggers that happen throughout life. You will feel empowered with knowing you can overcome, and excel through anything you are faced with.

The Whole Self Triad is like a magic wand, it provides all the tools you need to remove your limitations, align your mind to success, heal and transform your physical and emotional wellbeing into limitless potential.

2 x Monthly Instalment Plan
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Whole Self Alchemy Program Outline

Eliminate the overwhelming feeling of not knowing where to begin, as you're guided seamlessly through each step, from start to finish.

Jumpstart & guarantee your permanent success by laying powerful foundations for whole self transformation.

Begin to practice self awareness through transformative exercises that align your mindset with success right from day one.

Deep dive into the Subconscious Mind, & uncover the hidden limitations holding you back.

Finally learn the ‘HOW?’ to make permanent changes, by taking your acute self awareness into action & systematically removing limitations. 

Create a safe & nurturing environment for healing & whole self transformation with self love & compassion practices.

Learn & implement Whole Self Alchemy’s unique methodology, The Whole Self Triad - Subconscious reprogramming, somatic practices and self pleasure.

Use Human Needs Psychology to understand what needs are controlling your current habits and behaviours.

Harness powerful teaching and tools such as 'Shadow Integration, Inner Child and Higher Self Guidance' for holistic healing.

Create powerful identify upgrades to align your mind for success and make permanent change a certainty.

Cleanse & renew your energy with cord cutting and radical forgiveness practices.

Create and implement new, empowering routines to support and sustain your personal transformation.

Build unshakeable self confidence and self worth as you accomplish goals you once thought were impossible with an easy to follow, rinse and repeat process.

Over 100 written lessons to ensure immersive learning experience for maximum transformative benefits.

Enjoy a library of guided meditations, practices & Rapid Resolution Therapy sessions to support you on your healing journey.

Program is consistently evolving with new healing modalities for the most up to date, transformative experience possible.

Guided exercises & aligned action to support you with empowering daily habit upgrades.

Accountability assignments each module to ensure this is not another program that sits in your inbox

And Much More... 

2 x Monthly Instalment Plan
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Sneak Peak - Try Whole Self Alchemy FREE for 72 Hours!
2 x Monthly Instalment Plan
Save ÂŁ100 - Invest in Full
Sneak Peak - Try Whole Self Alchemy FREE for 72 Hours!

Frequently Asked Questions...

Have a question before enrolling in Whole Self Alchemy? I know your subconscious mind is providing many reasons why this program isn't for you. Remember, these are your limitations...

Let's work through some of them together...

I don’t have the mental capacity to start just yet, I have so much going on, can I start in the New Year? (or insert any date in the future here…)

Great question, and there is a reason why humans are naturally resistant to change. It is because our subconscious mind is wired for survival, keeping us safe and in our comfort zone. Even if that ‘comfort zone’ is very uncomfortable, full of disempowering limitations. The only way to reassure your subconscious mind, and remove limitations is to take new aligned action.

I've tried everything to change my bad habits but nothing has worked. Why would this be any different?

Every journey is unique. While other methods may not have resonated with you, Whole Self Alchemy combines powerful teachings and techniques tailored to connect with your core, offering a new perspective that has transformed lives. My methodology is unique, and so is the powerful container I create for holistic transformation with a powerful community. I can stay with certainty, Whole Self Alchemy is unlike anything you've experienced before. So confident in fact, that if you don't find that to be true, you're protected by a risk free guarantee.

I've so much resentment and anger from what has happened to me in my life, will that stop me from being able to remove my limitations?

Past experiences and the emotions they carry can feel heavy, but through the modules you'll learn transformative techniques to release, heal, and harness that energy into powerful personal growth. During Whole Self Alchemy, you will learn from your deep rooted emotions to create permanent change, so you no longer feel trapped or weighed down by them.

I'm really busy and I work full time, will I be able to keep up with the program?

I understand life’s demands. Whole Self Alchemy is a self-paced program designed to fit seamlessly into your life, allowing you to make progress at your convenience. That being said, I am here to hold you accountable and make sure you are moving through the program and not letting it sit on your digital shelf. That is what an outstanding coach does to get results, and that really matters to me. In the foundational steps of Whole Self Alchemy, I will show you how to reclaim some time back in your week so you can dedicate it to yourself.

I've no idea why I do what I do, I just know I don't like it, can you help?

Absolutely. My favourite thing to do is watch you uncover what's stored in your subconscious mind, and understand yourself in ways you haven't before. Whole Self Alchemy is tailored to help you delve into understanding the 'why' behind the habits and behaviours that you perform on autopilot each day, so you can make permanent changes. I will equip you with tools and techniques you can use to reshape your beliefs and habits.

I have had this bad habit for so long, is it not part of who I am now?

While beliefs and habits can shape us, they DO NOT define us. Whole Self Alchemy provides tools to redefine and rediscover your true identity beyond your limitations. When you remove your limitations, you will understand that they were never a part of you, just something you learned throughout your life, and they can be just as easily unlearned.

I have zero motivation or willpower, what will it take for me to get some so I can succeed in this?

Beneath the doubts, lies strength and potential you didn’t know existed, or did but forgot! The truth is, you don’t need willpower or motivation to begin, people do not naturally walk around with this as if it is a personality trait. Willpower, motivation, confidence, pride, accomplishment, etc comes from taking action, it is that simple. All you need right now is a desire to change, Whole Self Alchemy brings the rest!

If I stop one bad habit, won't I just start another to replace it?

Whole Self Alchemy isn't just about elimination but transformation. You'll learn to replace negative patterns with empowering practices, ensuring lasting change. My methodologies can be repeated on every disempowering habit that occupies your mind and rules your day. You have lifetime access so you can commit to personal evolution for as long as it takes. The journey is extremely personal, and therefore the timeline is determined by you.

Life's too stressful without coping mechanisms, how will I relieve stress?

Through somatic practices, you’ll discover natural and rejuvenating ways to alleviate stress, grounding you in the present and nurturing your wellbeing. The coping mechanisms we commonly use to get us through stressful times actually do the opposite of relieving stress. They may provide an illusion of relief or appear to fulfil a purpose in the moment, but the truth is they compound the negative thoughts and emotions, and in fact give us more to worry about long term. Our disempowering habits consume so much of our brain (mind) power we rarely have time for anything else, which is exhausting. The ripples can be seen throughout our life too, such as health issues, relationship issues, financial issues, and so on. To be completely honest with you, your coping mechanisms are causing you more stress.

What are somatic practices? They sound a bit woo-woo and kooky!

Somatics refers to practices that strengthen the mind-body connection. They enable you to tune into the wisdom of your inner self, that often goes undiscovered as you live your stressful, busy life. This exploration helps you identify what is causing misalignment in your Mind, Body and Spirit (our Soma) that often manifests as disempowering behaviours, habits and or physical ailments. Through these somatic practices you gain deeper understanding so you can be guided to holistic healing and well-being. The somatic practices you will find in Whole Self Alchemy include, but are not limited to, breathwork, meditation, dance, self pleasure, self soothing, energy clearing, visualisation, body scanning, and more!

I am embarrassed about self pleasure, is it necessary?

You're not alone. Society has placed taboos on your sexuality, especially self pleasure. Through this program, you'll become excited to embrace self-pleasure as a vital, and empowering aspect of self-love and transformation. You have been conditioned to hate, and even fear your sexuality - this is an opportunity to not only reclaim what is yours but celebrate the power and beauty of your sacred sexuality. It is a crucial element of the triad of transformation, you will not only find it necessary but essential to your whole self transformation. You will be invited to practice daily joy and pleasure in many different forms, so if more traditional self pleasure is not for you, I invite you to explore other ways to experience joy and pleasure daily.

If your question is not answered, please reach out to me at [email protected] I am more than happy to help.

2 x Monthly Instalment Plan
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Sneak Peak - Try Whole Self Alchemy FREE for 72 Hours!

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The information and content provided on or through the Website, Services, Courses, Products, and Company Content (collectively, the “Intellectual Property of Kimberley O'Sullivan Coaching”) are provided for education and informational purposes only, without any express or implied warranty of any kind, including warranties of accuracy, completeness, or fitness for any particular purpose.

Leona Services Limited, trading as Kimberley O'Sullivan Coaching and its owners, representatives, employees, agents, and affiliates, including but not limited to Kimberley Naylor (collectively, “Company” for purposes of this section hereunder), is not a licensed professional, health care provider, psychologist, or financial consultant, and Company is not acting in any such capacity. The Materials are prepared for general information purposes only and not designed as a treatment for any condition or ailment or a guarantee of any results. Company cannot, and will not, diagnose any physical or mental health issue presented, and will refer any such case to the licenced and correctly qualified person or persons.

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