I guarantee you an exclusive 'membership' to the most elite club in the world...The 'I ACTUALLY DID IT!' Club! 

 Indulge in the luxury & security of being absolutely certain, knowing that without a doubt, your success is inevitable.

Overcome your personal crisis & finally accomplish the goals you once thought were impossible.

Become the woman who achieves the things everyone else only dreams of.

Finally breakthrough the limitations holding you back, don't remain trapped & stuck like everyone else. 

This is your official invitation... Are you ready to accept?

RSVP: YES! Apply To Work With Me

The limitations you have stored in your subconscious mind will easily make you forget this but believe me when I say, you’re stronger & more capable than your trauma, limiting & negative beliefs, disempowering habits & behaviours, & low self worth mindset.

You’re a strong & powerful woman weakened by her limitations, but they do not define you, & you have the ability to overcome any and all limitations that are currently holding you back.

Break the pattern of simply accepting your limitations, stop being a victim to them. You're not here for mediocre, it's time to show yourself & others around you just what you're capable of.

Awaken to, & harness, your feminine power & limitless potential to redefine, redesign and live the life of your dreams, without limitations.

Included FREE with every membership to the 'I DID IT!' club is an abundance of unshakable self belief, self confidence, and high self worth!! 

Be the envy of, and the inspiration for, everyone around you.

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure..." Marianne Williamson.

My extremely discreet and confidential one to one coaching services are designed for you if you have a crisis you must overcome and a goal* that you desperately want to accomplish but you hear yourself saying...

*To overcome your personal crisis might be your #1 goal, but we would also set long term goals & strategies too.

I only work with an extremely limited number of women at one time, due to the level of commitment and dedication I offer through my one to one coaching services. 


Unlock the power of personal transformation with my discreet coaching services – the best-kept secret for those seeking exclusive, confidential support on their journey to personal growth and empowerment. My sought after services offer a level of privacy and exclusivity unmatched elsewhere, ensuring your transformational journey remains yours and yours alone.

Please note, there is a 3 Tier application process, designed to align with me with women who are as dedicated and committed to their transformation as I am.

I'll always announce ahead of time when I have spaces becoming available. Places are always filled extremely quickly, so apply urgently to secure your place, or be added to the waiting list for future consideration.


Option One: Powerful Monthly Container.

*Exclusive Details Shared in Free, No Obligation Value Session. (Tier 3 of Application Process, please see below)

Option One: Powerful Monthly Container.

*Exclusive Details Shared in Free, No Obligation Value Session. (Tier 3 of Application Process, please see below)

Option Two: Half Day Intensive.

*Exclusive Details Shared in Free, No Obligation Value Session. (Tier 3 of Application Process, please see below)


As you can see, there are no cloak and daggers, or a big investment reveal on a call later down the line.

Integrity and transparency are among my core values, and I value your time too much not to be open and upfront about the investment.

This might be the time you disengage and say 'No thank you!'...

Truth is, you have been conditioned to not value yourself or your well-being enough to invest in your healing and whole self transformation, this is another example of limitations you have in your subconscious mind.

You have been, without a doubt, conditioned to put yourself at the bottom of the priority order! 

I personally think it's time you say "Screw that!" It's time to understand your value, and your worth, and starting prioritising you.

Putting yourself first will benefit everyone and everything around you.

Is the level of emotional or physical pain you're currently experiencing unbearable enough for you to value yourself enough to invest in your transformation? 

Have you clearly considered the (infinite) return on your investment vs what's at stake if you don't? 

I invite you to take some time to reflect on those questions before you apply today.

Is it extremely important to be 100% sure you're ready to, and able to, emotionally and financially invest in yourself before you apply. I have many applications each month, and your certainty ensures we can move quickly through the process without any delay.

*If you're not ready & don't want to proceed at this time, I respect your decision wholeheartedly & celebrate you for your honesty. It absolutely must be a full mind and body 'YES' before you proceed.

Apply to Work With Me Today

Application Process Outline

The application process takes approximately one week to complete, and is completely obligation free until 'The Decision Period' which is step 4 below.

Step 1 - If you're 100% 'IN' & ready to proceed, please complete ‘Application 1’ below.

Step 2 - I'll personally review your application. If you're accepted, I'll respond with a link that'll take you through a more in depth application. (I'll respond in 48 hours or under)

Step 3 - Again, I'll personally review your application. If you're accepted to proceed, I'll respond to schedule our in person or online 'Value Session'. (I will respond in 48 hours or under).

This session is completely free of charge, and also free of obligation - this is just an opportunity for us to get together to see if we are a good fit for each other. 

*During our value session I will share exclusive details around each one to one coaching package, and do a deeper dive to see how I can help you. This is so we both can make an informed decision on how to proceed.

Step 4 - The decision period - We both take up to 48 hours after our in person or online 'Value Session' to decide if we move forward & continue to work together.

Whatever the outcome of the value call you will walk away with insight, value and strategy that will support wherever you are on your journey.

Step 5 - If we decide to proceed, I will send you the investment link and legal documents.

Step 6 - Investment and legal documents must be processed and signed within 24 hours to secure your place.

Step 7 - We begin to schedule calls and in person sessions and set communication channels.

Step 8 - Experience life-changing results from day one.

Remember it must be a full body ‘YES’ before you apply.

Apply to Work With Me Today

Important Disclaimer - Please Read in its entirety:

The information and content provided on or through the Website, Services, Courses, Products, and Company Content (collectively, the “Intellectual Property of Kimberley O'Sullivan Coaching”) are provided for education and informational purposes only, without any express or implied warranty of any kind, including warranties of accuracy, completeness, or fitness for any particular purpose.

Leona Services Limited, trading as Kimberley O'Sullivan Coaching and its owners, representatives, employees, agents, and affiliates, including but not limited to Kimberley Naylor (collectively, “Company” for purposes of this section hereunder), is not a licensed professional, health care provider, psychologist, or financial consultant, and Company is not acting in any such capacity. The Materials are prepared for general information purposes only and not designed as a treatment for any condition or ailment or a guarantee of any results. Company cannot, and will not, diagnose any physical or mental health issue presented, and will refer any such case to the licenced and correctly qualified person or persons.

The Materials are not a substitute for advice, diagnosis, and/or treatment by a licensed and/or qualified professional under the local laws of your jurisdiction. You are urged and advised to consult with such professional(s) before undertaking any health, diet, or lifestyle changes, including but not limited to, purchasing or using any Course, Products, or Services, or starting or discontinuing any treatments or medications.  

If one to one coaching is not a good fit for you right now, I invite you to explore my online program that is available with instant access today...

I invite you to take a break today, and watch my free - no sign up required - workshop! Grab a cup of coffee and relax for 30 minutes. Click the link below, and scroll down and press play, enjoy! Lots of love xx

Watch Workshop