Free Offerings

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I highly recommend the 'ADHD Empowerment Kit' above, but if that's not for you today, I have a toolkit of free offerings such as somatic practices, RRT Clearings, self pleasure guides, guided meditations and visualisations. I'm adding them here slowly overtime, if you don't see anything here that feels right for you today, please send me a message by clicking here - I love connecting, and I'm absolutely certain I'll have something to support you, that'll be completely free of charge and obligation.

The Human Needs Identifier™

Did you know there was such a thing as emotional human needs?

I’m sure you’re aware of the physical human needs for survival such as oxygen, food, water and sleep, but you may not have heard of Human Needs Psychology and the six human needs, developed by Tony Robbins. 

Through the lens of Human Needs Psychology, every single decision we make, every action we take is all determined by our top 2 human needs - the invisible forces driving our life.

The 6 Human Needs are Certainty, Uncertainty, Significance, Love and Connection, Growth and Contribution. The first 4 shape your personality, the last 2 shape your spiritual needs.

Understanding the 6 human needs on the whole, and discovering your personal top 2 human needs that determine all your behaviour, is a huge part of permanent healing and whole self transformation.

Before you can make permanent changes in your life, you first have to deepen your relationship with yourself, increase self awareness to fully understand who you are right now. 

You simply cannot change what you do not understand. 

Discovering your top 2 human needs is one of the life-changing processes I use in my proven methodology for permanent healing and whole self transformation. I am proudly certified to use Human Needs Psychology in my teachings and coaching.

When you understand your top 2 human needs, you can analyse all your current behaviours to see how you are meeting these needs in disempowering ways. 

This is the beginning of making permanent changes, so you can thrive instead of survive. 

Thrive = live a life full of success, happiness, joy, pleasure, excitement, peace, clarity, focus, and much more! You get to create your own version of thriving.

I know discovering what's behind your behaviour can be a terrifying thought, you may be masking who you really are with your beliefs and disempowering behaviours. You may be doing what you can to avoid this, but as you are here I’m confidently going to assume there is a voice inside of you that desires change, and you're more than a little curious.

Don’t be afraid, and don’t hide away from taking this step. I know from personal experience and from the incredible women I have worked with that when you realise what human needs you are driven by, you can dismantle old beliefs, habits and behaviours and meet your needs in much more empowering, fulfilling ways that support and sustain your emotional and physical well-being. 

It’s my favourite thing to watch as you go through the journey of self discovery, and the moment the penny drops and you realise something about yourself that has been hidden or not known, it immediately creates self love and compassion, like “Ah, makes sense now!”

That self love and compassion is deserved, and essential to healing. For years you may have been trying to navigate the world, and your place in it, without any real understanding of who you are. You may be using destructive behaviour, emotional or physical, to fulfil a human need you didn’t even know existed until this moment.

Today, I am offering a copy of The Human Needs Identifier™ to you for free. When you complete the multiple choice questions in the The Human Needs Identifier™, I will have all the information I need to identify your top 2 human needs and provide some further information to help you understand yourself better.

Now, I don’t need to tell you that there is more to healing and whole self transformation than understanding your top 2 human needs, but it is the first step in the journey and taking this step will naturally lead you to the next, and the next and so on. 

I believe we are all being led by otherworldly forces, the universe, source, divine feminine, whatever feels right. I invite you to trust the path you're on, allow your intuition to guide you and if you truly desire to make permanent changes, heal and transform - you will find exactly what you need to support you on your journey.

For now a great place to start is adding your details below and hitting submit... then check your emails ✨

You are stronger and more capable than your limitations…

Sending Love, always.

Kim xxx

The Human Needs Identifier™

The first step into a journey of deeply understanding yourself...

Rapid Resolution Therapy

Pre-recorded clearing.

A transformative free offering to clear the core

limiting belief "I am not enough."

In my 10 years experience, Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT) is the most profound and powerful healing modality I have found, which is why it is one of the key elements to my unique methodology. RRT offers a fast-track solution to emotional and physical discomfort, it's quick, effortless but extremely transformative - you just have to press play, it's that simple! 

These powerful processes, that have been developed by Dr Jon Connelly, are gentle yet potent techniques to swiftly dissolve deep-rooted limitations.

This pre-recorded clearing session specifically targets the debilitating belief that so many women share... the universal belief that "I am not enough," a belief that limits personal healing and growth because of fear of failure or rejection.

Through the power of RRT, this belief is skillfully dismantled and new empowering commands are installed into your subconscious mind, allowing you to step into your feminine power and accomplish anything you desire.

Unlike traditional therapy methods that may require extensive time and effort, RRT offers rapid and lasting results. By accessing the subconscious mind, RRT facilitates profound transformation in a fraction of the time, leading to tangible shifts in identify and behaviour rapidly.

You're invited to download this free offer to experience the life-changing benefits of RRT firsthand. Whether you're struggling with feelings of inadequacy, self-doubt, or unworthiness, this pre-recorded clearing session offers a powerful opportunity for healing and growth.

Embrace your inherent worthiness and unlock the limitless potential that resides within you.

You are enough, and with RRT, you can step into a life of abundance, confidence, and self-fulfillment.

You are stronger and more capable than your limitations…

Sending Love, always.

Kim xxx


Rapid Resolution Therapy Clearing

Reprogram the core belief "I am not enough," that limits your power and potential today...